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Atlanta Botanical Gardens

Nothing is as beautiful, relaxing, and heavenly scented as a flower garden, and nowhere will you see a more beautiful flower garden then at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens. Georgia itself is famous for its wildflowers. The state is known for its lush philodendrons, delicate iris’ and stunning Cherokee roses and the Botanical Gardens offers a glimpse and a whiff of all of them and more. There is much to see at the gardens; here are a few of the highlights.

The Hydrangea Collection

The Atlanta Botanical Garden has over 160 varieties of this stunning flower in this collection. The pom-pom like flowers come in pink, blue, and white and are in their full glory in the spring.

The Edible Garden

Vegetables are fast replacing flowers as the most popular plants for home gardeners to grow. You can plan your own garden or just plan your lunch. The garden features vegetables that you can eat all year round and there is even a chief on hand to show you how to prepare them.

Cobra Lilies

Georgia is famous for its lilies, and cobra lilies are amongst the most beautiful and unusual looking flowers in the world. These rainbow-colored lilies grow in shade and ad a tropical look to gardens that are not in tropical areas.


The Atlanta Botanical Gardens plays host to many exotic and adorable animals that a well-cultivated garden might attract. You will see everything from a giant turtle to a dart frog to a gecko at the gardens; a tortoise may even make an occasional appearance. You will see many an eco-friendly insect and learn about how they help gardens grow.

The Imaginary Worlds Exhibit

This inventive exhibit has come back to the gardens by popular demand. It features sculptures that are comprise entirely of flowers that are as high as 26 feet tall. Here you will see a giant peacock, a mermaid, and even a trio of camels that took a lot of skill to make and that smell a lot better than your average sculpture. The sculptures are even more stunning when they are illuminated every Thursday night during the “Cocktails in the Garden” event.


When your day ends, you won’t want to break the relaxing spell of peace and happiness that you feel when you visit the Atlanta Botanical Garden. Fortunately, you can continue feeling that way by retiring to the fabulous rental that we will can provide for you at Atlanta Luxury Rentals. Avoid the hassle of hotels and let us put you up in one of our beautiful properties. Our short term rentals are particularly perfect to enjoy this attraction! Call us at 470-418-6617 or visit our website today. Check out these wonderul vacation rentals today! Also, browse our winter vacation condos today.

Atlanta Luxury Rentals

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