Mr. Koji Iyama creates a site-specific installation to show the joys and versatility of decorating with MT. MT is reposition-able and doesn’t harm surfaces, so it’s fun and easy to use for decorating your home, gift-wrapping, leaving notes, or adding a little bit of color everywhere. The decoration startt from the outside and continue throughout the shop with tape applied to surfaces and also hung in 3-dimensional mobiles (all made from tape). The shop will have more than 3000 tapes on sale, the largest selection ever shown in the South. There will be a “free play” table where children and adults can use sample tapes to decorate and explore the qualities of MT – we will have some planned activities as well. The color theme and design motifs were inspired by the sense of fun and joy Posman brings as a bookstore. Please visit and let us know what you think of this bright, festive exhibit!